Half life 2 cheats steam
Half life 2 cheats steam

You can then type the codes in below for the desired effect… ai_disable – NPCs are turned offĪchievements. Turn on the cheat console in-game, and press the tilde (~) to bring it up. Use one of the following values with the "give " code: weapon_alyxgun weapon_ar1 weapon_ar2 weapon_bugbait weapon_cguard weapon_crowbar … The fact that it comes bundled with Half-Life 2, Episode One and Two, and Team Fortress 2 is the icing on the cake. This surreal puzzler will mess with your mind. Next in line, Type in : sv_cheats 1 cheats are as follows: Method 2: Also reported … The codes to HL2 also work … A – Portalgun ID 2 Method 1: Open The console up in game by pressing the "~" key. During game play, hit the tilde (~) to get into the console. … HALF-LIFE 2 CHEATS All these codes/cheats work from the console.

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  • Half life 2 cheats steam